Monday, December 14, 2009

Architecture Project.

I decided to use this CO2/Energy saving building not only because I am a supporter of being green but also I cannot stand how wasteful our generation is becoming.

...The strips of color are pretty cool too.

Typography Self Portraits.



I used my own lyrics for the outlining of this portrait.


I used my writings for this one too.

...I don't know what else to say about these.

Mayfair Poster Design.

Basically this is a cartoonist's vision of a poster.


My dreamscape is basically a reference to gluttony and selfishness found in our society.
All of the images found in it were completely original and drawn by hand. My independent art is based on imperfections, morals, problems, and religions found in our society. I like to put an abstract twist on the socially unacceptable.

Magazine Cover.

In this assignment we were supposed to design a magazine cover that was either already existing or completely original. I came up with 'GO', a poet's biweekly magazine. GO is all about local writers/performers/artists. I developed the idea as I was taking the bus around the Bethlehem Area. Some of the people around me were conversing about local art and literature. And 'Blue Ink Arm Splot Press' is a reference to the idea which I originally wrote on my arm. The 'O' in GO was supposed to resemble the world and the other abstract art behind the type resembles art/scribbles you could find in a notebook.

Time and Place.

The original version of this photo had Glen Hansard sitting on a bench by Marketa Irglova. I chose this photo because Glen Hansard is my biggest influence in making music. It is from the movie "Once". A musical based film about his life and hardships. Marketa is his pianist/female vocalist. I also chose this photo for the dramatic lighting.